Stripe Walkthrough


Stripe is the payment processor that GigFinesse uses to pay out our artists. Stripe is a leading online payment processor, used by companies like Google, Lyft, and Airbnb. Stripe allows us to pay bands out automatically, directly, and without hassle! This allows us to further our mission of simplifying live music booking while giving working musicians one less thing to worry about.

Signing up for Stripe is simple, but does require some personal information. Any sensitive information collected by Stripe, including debit, credit, SSN, or EIN numbers, are encrypted and are not accessible by the GigFinesse team.


In order to create and link your Stripe account, please head to "Account Settings" in the dropdown menu at the right-hand corner.

Under account settings, click on the bottom link under payout either to complete or begin your Stripe setup.

Once you've clicked the bottom link, you're ready to finalize your Stripe account. Enter personal details, including your legal name, email address, home address, phone number, and Social Security. Stripe requires your SSN (or EIN if you've registered as a business) for tax purposes. Again, this information is not stored by GigFinesse and is protected and encrypted by Stripe.

Please note that bands registered as businesses with an EIN, or an Employer Identification Number, can use that instead of an SSN.

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Once you've finalized this step, simply link your preferred bank account and the process will be complete. Please note that if for whatever reason you or your bank discontinue the card or account associated with your Stripe account, you'll have to update your Stripe account with the correct information in order to get paid.

If you have any other questions, please feel free to contact us at For more information about how we handle taxes and tax forms, please see our Tax FAQ.